We can install Riot from Github or from the OPAM repository.
$ opam pin riot.dev$ opam install riot
(package (name your_package) (depends riot)) ; if you want to use the latest version from Github; you can set package pins with the following snippets:(pin (package (name riot)) (url "git+https://github.com/riot-ml/riot"))(pin (package (name rio)) (url "git+https://github.com/riot-ml/rio"))(pin (package (name gluon)) (url "git+https://github.com/riot-ml/gluon"))(pin (package (name bytestring)) (url "git+https://github.com/riot-ml/bytestring"))
let () = Riot.run @@ fun () -> print_endline "Hello, Joe!"
(executable (public_name main) (libraries riot))
(using dune 3.17)(package (name main) (depends riot))
$ dune lock$ dune run"Hello, Joe!"